Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pain of writing self-review

Every six months HR keeps sending reminders- "please remember to submit your self-review". May be it is their job to remind me that I am part of a company not just my team. No matter what and when, I always found it to be a painful experience to review myself.

I'm good at this, I'm not good at that, blah blah blah.... it means nothing in the end anyway. I know what I'm good at and I also know what I'm not so good at; everybody knows, my manager knows too... I'm not sure what to make out of other's comments, if there are any...

No matter what I write or what I babble I'm going to end up with what management wants... then why document all this? Why every six months?

I'm not sure if there will be a change in the system? ever? I wish there was somebody who can write my review as a service ;)
For noew, I guess I've to live with it... and go back to writing my review :(

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