Wednesday, August 22, 2007

For amateur astronomers...

Google introduced a way to see and learn a bit about the sky and navigate thru galaxies ... something that can be a good pastime :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Boring Monday noon

It is 3 pm on a not very bright Monday...
Tea is not helping much either... time to go back to old games...
Smack the pingu :)

While scoring high is fun, getting the lowest score (of course, higher than zero)is more challenging...

Monday, August 06, 2007


No melodrama, No crying
No gadgets, No stupidity

One man... haunted by the past... hunting for the beginning
Lot of men... scared by one man... hunting for the man

And after a long time a movie really worh $10 ...
Here is a good scene and the title track...