Monday, March 12, 2007

How to play marbles (golis)

When I was a small boy, I did not play too many sports but one game that I sure did and was good at was playing marbles. There were 2-3 versions of the game that we used play regularly.

Here is one game which I liked and where I won lot of marbles from other players. It can be played with any number of players taking turns but here is the simple two-player version.

First, we etch a rectangle shaped box in the sand(called "the box"), with a readily available wall typically designated as one of the rectangle's edges.
Then, we draw a line, about 8-10 meters from the box, from where players have to shoot the marbles.

A typical round 1:
Player 1 and Player 2 pitch in one marble each.
Player 1 goes first. He throws 2 marbles into the box from the line. Player 2 has to select a marble (lets call taboo marble) which makes it tough for palyer 1 to shoot and hit a goal. Player 1 is now supposed to shoot and hit any marble other than the taboo marble. If he hits, he wins the two marbles. If he fails, the player 2 gets a chance till one of them win...

After this round, second round starts with two marbles each.

Notes: If any of the marbles fall outside the box, player 2 uses his index finger to push the marble into the box. He tries to push it closer to the marbles inside the box so that it'll be difficult for the other player to hit the goal marble.

I always had one or two favorite marbles which I used as shooter marbles. One lucky shooter marble once earned me about 40+ marbles.

If marbles are ever broken, the play is considered dead and it has to be restarted with new marbles.

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